My mission in creating this company is to offer the filmmaking community the highest quality Video Assist playback, distribution and streaming options. The goal is to be adaptable and always treat the clients with the utmost respect and dignity while offering a proud sense of professionalism and efficiency on set. I strive to always respect and embrace diversity in the culture and nature of the work. Reputation and relevance are everything in this business. Accountability and profitability are the goals in building any successful company for today and the future.
Working to fulfill your vision
Experience counts
Video village has long been the heart and the hub of every film set. With recent increased demands for distribution and streaming, it’s a very exciting time to be a Video Assist. Cutting edge advancements in high definition wireless transmission demands the need for constant adaptation and evolution. With over 15 years of IATSE film making experience, it’s built to excel by todays rigorous industry standards.